Start of the day
The school day begins at 08:45 and all children enter via the front gate and KS1 playground. The school gates will be opened at this time and the children will be permitted to enter the building.
We operate a ‘soft start’ meaning that children are able to come to school between 08:45 and 08:55. When they arrive at school, they will make their way to their classroom where they meet their teachers. Children do not line up at the beginning of the day. Members of the SLT and LSAs will be present on the playground and at points around the school building to ensure that children are entering the building safely and are getting to class efficiently.
When children arrive in class, there should be a question quadrant on the screen ready for them to work on – or a similar independent retrieval practice activity. The task available for the children is to be based on previously taught material and should be chosen to support the spaced learning principle, giving the children an opportunity to transfer knowledge from their working memory to their long-term memory. Children should be able to complete this task independently, so the teacher may use this time for individual conversations and check-ins with children. If they complete their question quadrants, handwriting exercises should be available for the children.
The playground gates will be closed at 08:55 and any children arriving after this time must enter via the main office. Any children arriving after 09:00 will be marked as late by the administration team. The first lessons begin at 09.00, daily.
End of the day
The day ends at 15:15 for all children. Reception - Year are dismissed from their classroom doors. Years 5 and 6 line up in the KS1 playground. Children will be dismissed once the teacher has seen the approved person who is collecting.
Staff will wait with the children in their line for 10 minutes after the end of the day. At 15:25, children will be taken to the main office and registered as a late collection – the administration team will contact a parent/carer to find out when the child will be collected.
Children in after school clubs will be escorted there by LSAs.
Clubs will operate 15:15 – 16:15 or occasionally until 16:30. Club leaders will dismiss the children from the school office.