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At David Livingstone, we have structured our PSHE/RSE learning with the intention of supporting our children in developing into strong-minded individuals, with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to succeed in a today’s world. Our intent is to use the PSHE/RSE curriculum to focus on the development of essential life skills such as empathy, resilience, and self-awareness, whilst also providing children with the time to reflect and focus on their own wellbeing.

Children at David Livingstone are equipped with the knowledge and understanding to form healthy relationships, centred around a foundation built on empathy, trust and clear communication. This enables them to form positive connections with their peers, families, and the wider community.

The delivery of our PSHE/RSE curriculum highlights the importance of maintaining both physical and mental wellbeing. Our children are taught effective strategies to manage their stress, and to self-regulate their emotions. They learn to recognise and express feelings constructively, fostering self-awareness whilst maintaining empathy for others.

Our curriculum promotes a sense of social responsibility and global citizenship. We aim to equip our pupils with the ability to contribute positively to their communities and the wider world. Our children are taught tolerance and acceptance of others, as we use the PSHE/RSE curriculum to both embrace and celebrate diversity.

At David Livingstone, we provide regular opportunities for our children to be active participants in thoughtful whole class discussions, where we explore ethical dilemmas, promoting our values which enable our children to make considerate decisions aligned with their principles.