Inclusion & SEND

Our inclusion values

We work tirelessly to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, leave our school as fully rounded, confident individuals who have maximised their potential.

Taking into account pupils’ varied life experiences and needs, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum and have high expectations for all children. The achievements, attitudes and well-being of all our children are at the forefront of everything we do.

Our school is an inclusive school. We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils. This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our children. We make this a reality through the attention we pay to the different groups of children within our school.

Some children may require further support to access the curriculum because they have additional educational needs.  Additional educational needs could mean that a child has:

  • English as an additional language (EAL);
  • experienced a bereavement or emotional trauma;
  • joined the school recently;
  • had an extended period of absence;
  • demonstrated that they are academically in advance of their peers.

Some children may require further support to access the curriculum because they have a special educational need or disability (SEND).  Special educational needs could mean that a child has:

  • learning difficulties – in acquiring basic skills;
  • social, emotional or mental health difficulties – making friends or relating to adults or behaving properly;
  • a specific learning difficulty – with reading, writing, number work or understanding information;
  • sensory or physical needs – such as hearing impairment, visual impairment or physical difficulties which might affect them in the school;
  • communication problems – expressing themselves or understanding what others are saying;
  • medical or health conditions – which may slow down a child’s progress and/or involves treatment that affects their education.

Children may receive ‘SEND support’ from within David Livingstone Academy, or if their needs are more complex, have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) where external support is required. Objectives and strategies for children are planned with class teachers, support staff, the Inclusion Team and parents/carers; they are reviewed and assessed regularly.

Graduated response

Our academy takes a graduated response to inclusion. One of the most impactful experiences for learners with SEND (special educational needs and/or disabilities) is to have access to high quality, inclusive teaching. A significant proportion of the needs that teachers encounter in the mainstream classroom can be met through High Quality Teaching. This means removing barriers to learning, getting to know and understand individual learners, and ultimately bringing the graduated approach to life.

All teachers are SEND teachers, and the educational achievement of all children remains the responsibility of the class teacher at all times. Graduated response involves three different tiers of intervention.

The Universal Level is the provision that all children receive in the classroom. Children who need additional support with their learning are given the usual support that any child would receive, e.g. concrete resources, support from the teacher or LSA during the lesson.

Those children who do not respond as hoped to universal provision may need to progress to the next level of graduated response: Targeted Provision. This involves specific, targeted support to one child, or a small group of children, aimed at quickly responding to a need and addressing it, allowing the child to move back to receiving support at the universal level. These interventions are typically devised and delivered by the class teacher or Phase Leader.

For those children who still require support, it may be necessary to move to the highest level: Specialist Provision. This involves support that is typically devised and delivered in consultation with the Inclusion Team, and may involve external professionals where appropriate. Support at the specialist level may be delivered by the class teacher, the Inclusion Team, or external specialists.

Graduated Approach

Higher attainers

For those children consistently attaining well in assessment, the class teacher must ensure that they have provided the opportunity to engage with the curriculum in greater depth. Often this is done by presenting the children with opportunities to apply their knowledge in a different way, or in a different context, than they have experienced previously.

If the teacher feels that the child, or children, have a true depth of understanding of the subject, they should use the same graduated response as described previously. Small groups, or one-to-one support sessions, can be arranged within the school day to expose the children to more complex material. If necessary, speak with the subject and Phase Leaders for support.

If the teacher feels that specialist support is required, they should speak to their Phase Leader and the Inclusion Team.


Racism, or any form of discrimination, is not tolerated at David Livingstone Academy; a key element of eliminating the toxicity of racism from our society – and building a true culture of inclusivity – is the education of children. Our curriculum is designed to ensure that people of all nationalities, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, abilities, etc., are represented to help build an understanding of the huge range of people that make up and benefit our world.

Any discriminatory behaviour will be taken seriously and dealt with using the school behaviour management process (see Conduct section).

Inclusion Team

If support is required with any aspect of inclusion, please contact a member of the Inclusion Team. If the query is regarding educational support, please ensure that you have been through the process described in the ‘Graduated response’ and SEND Pathway section first.

SENDCo: Tiffany Hamilton-Thomas

Any member of the Senior Leadership Team may also be consulted on matters relating to inclusion.